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Booking made better with Magebay.
a hassle-free experience for you with your customers. Accept bookings and payments online from your website, anywhere with anytime, and magebay. getting started today for 90 days FREE, no credit card needed, no commitments and commission free.
Grow your trade with attract more customers
Magebay offers the unique experience to your commerce with, more importantly, your customers. and our great looking with easy to use kits, Magebay makes managing and growing your trade simple, enjoyable and stress free from a get going.
Accept bookings online 24/7, anywhere and anytime.
Integrate our incredible tablet and mobile ready booking system, along with marketing kits to help grow your trade with accept more online bookings, in and outside of trade hours. Need a website?
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Affordable, bendy & commission free pricing. Cancel anytime. Subscription plans ideal for insignificant or large businesses that accept bookings online. Pay monthly with cancel your subscription at any time. No obligations, no catches with no commission.
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Gain time to focus on your customer’s experience and let our simple-to-use dashboard do remainderAccess your dashboard anywhere, securely in a cloud, on our tablet and mobile ready web-based app. Magebay has everything you need from managing bookings, payments with staff, to marketing kits to help boost your revenue.
custom product designer — WooCommerce plugincustom product designer works alongside WooCommerce to that helps you design and sell any variety of product. This kit is brilliant for creating and designing custom mugs, shoes, cards, hats, calendars stickers with more. There are numerous sites that feature these kinds about kits where a few years ago there were chiefly few.
product designer is the kit that responds fast to help customers create add the personal touch to products. one idea behind Fancy Product plan is to give people an interactive way to customize a product. online product designer showcases what one software revolution may inarguably do for people. It has democratized plan in such a way that anybody who has the correct tools can become the designer. This HTML5 plugin responds fast and is optimized to assignment on every devices. This is a of one most quick tools of its type available on WordPress. a plan environment lets users create using layers about text and/or graphics.
one user interface is customizable and works flawlessly and a WooCommerce Plugin. There are plenty of setting option in a admin panel that will help you manage pricing, sharing with user options. Set variable prices based upon the options chosen. For example you can charge additional for multiple layers or multiple products. For user options you may let users upload their own files, share their design on Facebook or Instagram with more. This product can give your visitors a power to create. This may be a valuable asset to any online store.
Optimized for mobile and desktop
Compatible and IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
Allow users to create custom products
Supports file upload about photos/images
Variable pricing
Multiple Layers
Text with multiple media sources
Advanced color options
Customize user interface
Clean code
easy to follow documentation
Works and WooCommerce
Supports Sharing via social networks