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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
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 Medien, Schule, Beruf, Unterhaltung pp.
cbminhduc Offline

Beiträge: 13

25.01.2018 11:23
They need to determine their goals when choosing a discipline Antworten

They need to determine their purpose when choosing a field of study. It can be said that this is the first priority in choosing the majors for students. If they do not know what they want, they can hardly choose the right course for themselves.

To help students determine exactly which career they are suitable for, start with your interests, personality and condition. Choose a career at any university for the most appropriate research and then gradually eliminate. You can take the occupational tests of MoET. Based on your ability, interests, perspectives, principles of living, etc., the tests will give you advice and predictions about the career or group of professions that are right for you.

However, students should not make the most of their choice of careers by doing the tests. The choice of professions must take into consideration the material, social and economic conditions in the surroundings of the children themselves, and know how to coordinate with other methods to achieve the highest efficiency.

Make sure you use opportunities to do some work related to your chosen career to explore your abilities, interests and personalities that are relevant to the job. For example: do wall paper, write articles for newspapers ... to see if they are suitable for journalism; Do you have a job?

You can go to companies, psychological counseling centers, where they have enough books, materials and career knowledge to advise you. Or they can consult with teachers, family members, friends ... to assess their interests and abilities in accordance with any industry.

They should also attend the presentations of the reporters of various occupations. Come to the library, go to the Internet to find out more about the areas that interest you. Make the most of the conditions are available to visit the actual occupation, learn more professional practice through a number of individuals doing occupations.

Talk to successful characters in the field they plan to pick. Ask about how to live, how to work, learn both the working environment, occupational challenges, difficulties and advantages in the profession, development conditions ...

They also need to find out what works best for them. What you have and what you need to equip, so that you have the most appropriate orientation and can adjust as appropriate.

One of the industries that is hot and fit for those who love to explore new ones is the Medical Examination - now the industry is receiving social investment, while manpower are scarce. So choosing the test will be a perfect choice for you.

To learn more about the test as well as the target and enrollment in 2018 please click here!

wadewilson Offline

Beiträge: 54

26.01.2018 03:51
#2 RE: They need to determine their goals when choosing a discipline Antworten

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